by Elessil ![]() Rooting for You When I first saw "Pirates of the Caribbean" in the cinema, it was simply an entertaining and well-made movie. Not more, but no less. This however changed when I watched the DVD. I was, as were most viewers, impressed by Captain Jack Sparrow, but above all, I was intrigued by Commodore James Norrington, whom many others barely noticed. The freshly-promoted Commodore is the embodiment of the law, devoting his life to justice and its application. In the prologue, he states his intention to make certain every pirate would be brought to the gallows. While there is a certain amount of personal zeal to his pirate hunting, there is little doubt that it is his intention to protect innocent people from men like Barbossa and his crew, who present a good example of actual, average pirates. Jack Sparrow is anything but average. He is an outlaw, a pirate; a man who values his freedom, his ship, above everything else. Yet it is obvious he also values life and freedom of others. His first action in the movie is to save Elizabeth from drowning, for no apparent profit but with a great risk of capture for himself. Among his list of crimes, there are only offences against property and propriety but no mention of rape or murder. Obviously, he does not fit Norrington's image of a pirate, of a vile dissolute creature, but neither is he a respectable citizen of the British Crown. Their values clashing together, both of them right, and both of them wrong, is one of the most interesting aspects of the movie for me. ![]() ![]() James Norrington, on the other hand, is Elizabeth's jilted suitor, obviously loving her, although she favours Will Turner. In order to save him, she promises to wed Norrington, who, in the end, gives her up as not to stand in love's way, even if it means giving up his own hopes. ![]() "I want you to know that I was rooting for you, mate. Know that." True to all their previous interaction, there is a hint of sarcasm and their usual banter involved as well, but, taking into account Jack's previous sympathetic glance at Norrington, it is at least as much an attempt at offering a small measure of comfort, the only one James receives, and that from the man he has just tried to hang. ![]() Which brings up another crucial aspect of their relationship: respect. Jack knows the Commodore is the scourge of piracy; knows who he is (calling Norrington by his name before it being mentioned to him), and is wary of him, as he hesitates to take Norrington's offered hand when they first meet on the dock. Jack tries to convince the Commodore to chase the Black Pearl by appealing to his pride, his pirate hunting zeal. However, Norrington declines with the words "By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow, not only myself." The pirate is extremely surprised by this reaction - he did not expect it from him, and his facial expression betrays a grudging respect. ![]() Concerning Norrington's respect for Jack, it doesn't show in the beginning, or at least not really. (though the amount of reaction Jack gets out of him says otherwise) But with "So it would seem." after his Lieutenant's "This is the best pirate I have ever seen", he acknowledges Jack's intelligence. By letting him go, he acknowledges Jack's being a pirate and still not deserving to die. That is respect, too. That is learning from each other, learning that law and justice are not one and the same. ![]() To reconcile these worldviews is a challenge to the writer, and, if well done, a pleasure for the reader. Their equality, their learning from each other and their sarcastic banter ensure that this pairing never becomes boring or flat. Recommendations and Resources ![]() Sparrington in general seems to be a well written pairing, perhaps because it takes a certain amount of maturity to appreciate their character dynamic. It was difficult for me to pick out these recs, because there have been many more fics I liked. Still, these are the ones that I can consider a must-read. There are Sparrington fanfics in every length from drabble to epic, and at first I would like to recommend three epic tales which had their part in defining the pairing for me. The "Moonverse Series" by firesignwriter was one of the first Sparrington stories I've read, and possibly one of the best pieces of fiction I've encountered in any fandom I have frequented. It shows the development of a relationship, if one might call it that. It isn't love at first sight, it isn't "everything perfect forever", and that's what it makes so good fiction in my opinion. The description of feelings sometimes is so real that it is scary. Focusing more on the humourous and swashbuckling aspect of POTC, I highly recommend commodoresexual's "Matter of Rules" Series, which tells the tale of an interesting adventure from Norrington's Point of View. A fourth part is currently in progress, but the first three can be read as stand-alone and provide no cliff-hanger. Told from Norrington's Point of View as well is cupiscent's "Carribbean Cartography Trilogy", another tale of adventure, humour and love. Similar to Benedick and Beatrice in Shakespeare,webcrowmancer brings the two of them together using rumor and talk. "Loose Lips Sink Ships" is only one of the excellent stories by this Sparrington authour of the first hour. As I mentioned, they are often defined as opposites, and true to this, there is many a fic focusing particularly on this aspect of their character dynamic, and the resulting attraction. "The World Turned Upside Down" by viva_gloria, "The Part You Throw Away" by isagel and "Gravity and Levity" by Mary describe the essence of Sparrington already in their titles and are excellent pieces of fanfiction. Their constant competition often leads to interesting and amusing situations and conversations. "Carnival" by isagel, This Untitled Snippet by mimesere and "Silent As the Grave" by serafina20 (with a more serious sequel "Freedom") all put a smile on my face. Often there is a darker side to their adversariness, resulting in darker fanfiction, sometimes dubious consent, often Jack attempting to buy his freedom with sexual favours which sometimes leads to something more. Excellent examples for this are "Bluebird" by hippediva (also its rather dark sequel "This Ragged Wound") and fabu's (Melusina) "Besieged" short series. These are only a select few of the fic written for Sparrington, I could go on and on about James/Jack fic I would recommend for reading. If I sparked your interest in the pairing: sparrington is an excellent resource for almost all Sparrington fics. They are sorted by authour in the memories, although the newer stories have not been added yet. pirategasm is a great place for all types of Pirates of the Caribbean fic The Sparrington Archive is an excellent archive dedicated solely to this pairing, both fic and art. flagitiousabuse focuses on flagitious abuse, perhaps of wigs. Flagitious Wig Abuse is a topic often coming up in Sparrington fic, and usually leads to a very humourous outcome. An informative page on both of the characters is One Day's Headstart, which includes passages of the actor's commentary and from the first draft of the script, where it was Norrington who set Jack free, and not Will, as in the final version. Also mimesere's screencap filled meta, mostly on Norrington should not be missed. I would also like to point out that the Theban Band has made some excellent Sparrington manips which are really worth seeing. Additionally, here is a link to my own Jack/James fanart My earnest thanks go out to fabu and spankmonkeyjack for encouraging me to write this, cupiscent and mimesere for their meta and inspiring thoughts on the pairing/Norrington, hippediva, drbillbongo and meletor_et_al for their support and friendship. |